Map campaign goals to available content
Map campaign goals to available content
1. Create a spreadsheet for recording the results of your content audit.
Use these column headings: Title Location Keywords Buyer persona Funnel stage Takeaway Channel Repurpose opportunities Calls to action
2. Write down the title, URL, targeted keywords, and the buyer personas for all the pieces of content you currently have, in the dedicated columns.
Mention at least two or three long-tail keywords for each piece of content, besides the main keyword. One piece of content can correspond to more than one buyer persona. List them all.
3. Write in the Funnel Stage column, where in the funnel your content can engage customers, based on the targeted keywords and type of content.
Your stages can either use the classic steps of: Awareness. Interest. Evaluation. Intent. Action. Loyalty. Or you can create your own custom stages based on a customer journey map.
4. Write in the Takeaway column how the content helps customers achieve a goal, overcome a pain point, or gain some other form of value.
The takeaway should complete the sentence, After consuming this content, my potential customer will…
5. Match every piece of content with a content marketing channel.
Channels could include everything from your blog to a particular social media channel, or mailing list you run. To decide which channel will best suit the content, consider: The content format. Turning a blog post into social media updates would take additional effort. The audience. Different personas favor different channels. The takeaway. You can deliver some takeaways easier through certain mediums, for example, learning how to do something is often better communicated as a video.
6. In the Repurpose opportunities column, add ideas for reusing content to reach more people.
For example, you can repurpose a how-to blog post as an infographic, a live Facebook tutorial, or a series of short videos that you can share as stories.
7. Share the spreadsheet with your marketing team and brainstorm possible campaign goals using your notes.
If you have multiple top-of-the-funnel pieces of content, focus on increasing brand awareness or boosting user engagement. If you have content to cover all stages of the funnel, focus on getting new leads, sales, or upsells at this point.
8. In the designated column, write down a call to action for each piece of content, based on the funnel stage and your campaign goals.
Keep a balance between what you give and what you want to obtain. If you provide an ebook in the awareness stage, potential customers might agree to leave an email address and a job title, but they don’t trust you enough at this point to share phone numbers, income, or goals.