Manage XML sitemaps in Yoast
Manage XML sitemaps in Yoast
1. Install the Yoast SEO plugin on your WordPress website: click on Plugins > Add new plugin, search for Yoast, and click on Install in the Yoast SEO result.
After installing, click on Activate beside or beneath Yoast SEO to enable the plugin on your site.
2. Click on SEO > General in your WordPress admin menu bar, navigate to the Features tab and toggle XML Sitemaps to On.
3. Select SEO > Search Appearance in your WordPress admin menu bar.
4. Click on the Content Types tab and under Show in search results, select No for every content type that you don't want displayed in search engine results.
Click on Save Changes.
5. Repeat on the Taxonomies and Archives tabs, select No to exclude items from the sitemap or Yes to include them in the sitemap.
Click on Save Changes.