Improve sorting usability
Improve sorting usability
1. Place dropdown menus, search bars, and sorting tools in familiar, easy to find locations to streamline navigation.
For example, sorting tools are often located at the top right of product lists and filters are typically located on the left hand side of product lists and pages.
2. Display customer ratings alongside product listings and add the option to sort by customer rating.
3. Give users the option to sort by price from lowest to highest and from highest to lowest.
4. Give users multiple sorting options such as item price or price per unit for products sold in bulk, to add a different price-point perspective.
For example, if you sell protein powder, allow users to sort by price per serving or price per gram.
5. Add the option to sort by date added for products where dates are relevant, to allow users to find products they haven’t previously seen.
For example, if you sell artwork, adding the option to sort by date added allows users to see newly added pieces first.
6. Add related or suggested categories to product lists when products could belong to multiple categories.
For example, a television may be found under Electronics or Living room depending on the scope of products sold on your site.