Improve ecommerce landing pages
Improve ecommerce landing pages
1. Limit distractions such as navigation links on your landing page.
According to a VWO study, removing navigation links improved conversions by 100%.
2. Use a single CTA to limit the choices on a landing page and direct the focus exactly where you want it to go.
According to research, landing pages with multiple offers generate 266% fewer leads than single offer pages.
3. Use on-page countdown timers to create a sense of urgency and scarcity for each visitor.
Make sure the timers are genuine. Users are increasingly aware of fake timers and it will damage your brand and reduce your chance of a sale if they spot a fake one.
4. Include testimonials and reviews from happy customers as social proof to eliminate uncertainty about purchases.
5. Optimize your landing pages for social ad traffic by using copy, on-page images, and messaging that resonates with the demographics and psychographics set in your social ad.
For example, Leesa, a mattress company, spotlights images of families and parents when relevant.
6. Use a clean, professional image of your product to provide relevant visual context.
When using photographs of faces, pay careful attention to where they are looking. Users will typically follow the eye line of subjects in photographs so make sure they are looking towards critical calls to action or content.
7. Use a simple and large CTA button that’s easy to find, to capture your visitors’ attention.
A good example of a simple and large CTA button is shown in the image below:
8. Optimize your landing page to make it easy to navigate and view on mobile, to accommodate your mobile shopper demographic.
9. Group or batch products on landing pages to eliminate distractions around your sales funnel if you have a wide product offering.
Too many options overwhelm users and reduce the chances of them acting. You may even wish to hide less profitable or popular products under a tab or deeper in the site.