Hack the growth of your email list
Hack the growth of your email list
1. Install an email capture app like Sumo or ListBuilder to display as a pop-up on your website.
Adjust the number of times the pop-up shows up on your main page to test how your users respond. Is there an optimal display rate? Add the pop-up on at least one other page to improve coverage.
2. Ensure that your pop-up has a compelling offering.
Don’t just ask people to subscribe to our newsletter. Show that the newsletter will help them address a pain point or achieve a goal. Offer a lead magnet such as a PDF report, white paper or video course in return for subscribing.
3. Make sure your call to action addresses any objections users may have.
Answer questions such as: What the mailings will cover. How often they will receive emails. What you will do with their email address. How easily they can unsubscribe.
4. Write a long-form insightful post that is useful to people in your target market and add the list building call to action to multiple areas of the post.
Add a pop-up when the person accesses the web page, midway through the article, and at the end of the article.
5. Customise your lead magnet to the content of your campaign or the page that will display the popup.
For example, if the popup appears on a blog post about the best makeup in 2021, your lead magnet might be a video tutorial on how to apply makeup properly.
6. Sign up to KingSumo and launch a prize competition in exchange for email addresses.
Offer a prize that has a high monetary value to motivate people to enter. Add the description of the prize in the header of the form. Include additional entry options such as sharing the competition on social networks.
7. Edit your email signature to include a link to your landing page and email subscriber page.
Hyperlink your name directly to the landing page. Add a separate call to action next to your name and link that to the email subscriber page.
8. Ensure all your landing pages include an email sign up call to action.
Keep the same formula of offering users a valuable file or document. Emphasize in bold letters or larger text what your users are getting.
9. Approach other related newsletters and suggest a newsletter exchange.
For example if your email list is about fitness, you could approach healthy eating list owners and suggest that you will promote their list if they promote yours.