Get your ad data into Google Analytics

1. Open Google Analytics, click on Admin, select the property to analyze, and click on Data Import and Create.

Select Cost Data for the Data Set type, and click on Continue.

2. Choose the view you would like to use for the analysis.

Each view has different uses. In All Website Data you will see data about all website visitors, and sometimes even for many websites if GA tracker is implemented on multiple domains. Different views will filter out some data. For example, testers from the office IP, or specific landing pages, etc.

3. Under At least one of these columns must be provided, select Clicks with an ID of ga:adClicks, Cost with an ID of ga:adCost, and Impressions with an ID of ga:impressions.

4. Under Any number of these columns may be provided, select Ad Content with an ID of ga:adContent and Keyword with an ID of ga:keyword.

5. Select Overwrite for the Import Behavior.

You can now load this data set with ad cost data from your advertising platform.

6. Create a .CSV file with the columns: ga:date, ga:source, ga:medium, ga:campaign, ga:keyword, ga:adContent, ga:Impression, ga:adClicks, and ga:adCost.

You can also include the costs of email marketing, SEO, or other activities. Use automation tools like SegmentStream, Funnel or Supermetrics to import this data.

7. Open Google Analytics, click on Admin, click on Data Import in the Property column, then click on Manage uploads in the row showing the data set you created earlier.

8. Click on Upload file and select the .CSV file you prepared.

You can now start creating and analyzing advertising.