Find leads using specific keywords

1. Create a list of LinkedIn content searches and paste the URLs into a Google Sheet.

Create a new Google Sheet with a column for Search URLs. Make a content search on LinkedIn. For example, keyword = fundraising, industry = Nonprofit, Recency = past 24 hours Example search Available filters. Keywords Recency 1st Degree Connections or 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree connections Author Industries Capture posts from a specific company Working with multiple searches. You can paste the search URL directly into Phantombuster if you want to search for the people in one search. You can create a Google Sheet with multiple search URLs in it and paste the Google Sheet URL into Phantombuster and map the column header name that contains the search URLs. This will extract all the people in each of the searches.

2. Use Phantombuter’s LinkedIn Search Export to extract the page content and set the file settings to “Delete all previous files at launch”.

Register for a Phantombuster account. Choose the LinkedIn Search Export and select the content search. Map the Sheet URL, add your session cookie, and map the column header with the Search URL by name in Phantombuster. Optionally, choose to limit the results you get per launch / per search. This can be useful if a common word, such as “marketing,” might return thousands of results, and you would want to limit it to the first 100 people so that you can also add people with other keywords. On the settings page; Choose to launch your automation once per day Choose to be notified in case of error Choose advanced options and set the folder management to “Delete all previous files at launch” It is important to set the folder management to “Delete all previous files at launch” Typically, you would want an automation that launches for rows 1-10 to start at row 11 the next time it triggers. In this case since we’re re-scraping the same URL every day, we want it to start back at row 1. Setting it to “Delete all previous files at launch” sets the scraper to restart your scrape and bring in the newest data daily. Leaving the default setting will cause the scraper to say that it has already scraped each line in the Sheet and that there is no new data. Launch your automation to get sample data.

3. Import your CSV file URL from Phantombuster into an API Import step in Parabola, filter to relevancy, and send the results to Sheets.

Phantombuster provides a file URL with the results of your automation. In this automation that data contains the name of the person who posted it, the content of their post, their LinkedIn URL, the date they posted it, and a link to the post. Use row filters to filter for relevancy. The available filters are: Like Count Comment Count Disqualifying posts that contain specific keywords you want to exclude Keeping only the posts that contain specific keywords you want included Use a Sheets Export to send the data to a Google Sheet that contains headers for the post content, like count, comment count, LinkedIn profile, etc. Choose the ‘append to Sheet’ option in Parabola so that each time Parabola runs it will add new data to the bottom of the Sheet, instead of overwriting what was already there. Schedule the flow to run daily Running this automation daily will allow the content scraper to delete the previous files, run, then send the newest results to a Sheet before the file is deleted again the following day by Phantombuster. Run the flow to get test data.

4. Connect the LinkedIn Network Booster in Phantombuster to your Sheet with the content from LinkedIn and URLs of the people who posted them.

Choose the LinkedIn Network Booster in Phantombuster: Map your content Sheet with the LinkedIn URLs to the Network Booster Map the column to get LinkedIn URLs to the Network Booster by name Write a message to the contact. For example, “Hi #firstName#, I loved your post on LinkedIn. Let’s connect!” Add your session cookie Configure the schedule and repetition settings.

5. Optionally, scrape their profile for their website and enrich it to get email using their full name and domain.

You can use the LinkedIn URL from the Search Export as the starting place to scrape their LinkedIn profile. This gives you the website field for the company they work at. Some percentage of websites are provided in using the LinkedIn Profile Scraper. For a higher fill rate, you can use a LinkedIn Companies Info in Phantom Buster to get more websites. The Profile Scraper provides the LinkedIn Company Page URL in the results. This can be used as the starting place for the LinkedIn Companies Info, which will give you even more websites. Then enrich their First Name, Last Name, and Domain to find their business email address Parvenu can be used to take a Full Name and Domain and provide the business email. Other enrichment options here are Hunter and Dropcontact.