Find a guest for a webinar

1. Define the topic of your webinar to narrow your search to speakers known to be knowledgeable on the topic.

2. Look within your organization for potential speakers your audience might be familiar with.

3. Browse your LinkedIn connections to find potential speakers.

4. Use a website like InfluencerMarketingHub to find influencers in your industry.

5. Review the speaker list at a recent industry event or conference you’ve attended.

6. Review popular industry content, like association blogs or podcasts, to find content creators who have successfully written or presented on your topic.

7. Create a shortlist of no more than 10 potential webinar guests, ranked by their topical expertise.

8. Set up a call with your top candidate to determine availability, technical capabilities, and presentation abilities.

9. Survey your audience after the interview about your guest, using insights gained to better target your next search.