Do a full website conversion audit

1. Gather data reports from your web analytics. Review metrics like bounce rate and time spent on page to pinpoint specific pages that may be underperforming or causing visitors to leave your site.

2. Test the navigation of your site as though you were a visitor. Use the website menu, site map, internal links, and CTA buttons on each of your web pages.

3. Use a heatmap tool to identify hot and cold spots of visitor activity on your web pages and identify whether the correct page elements are drawing visitors’ attention.

4. Test the functionality of product listings and checkout pages.

5. A/B test web page elements to identify the versions that lead to better conversion rates. Test the homepage design, headlines, and CTA button placement.

6. Measure the loading speed of your web pages using a tool like PageSpeed Insights to identify factors that are slowing down your site speed.

7. Check your website’s compatibility with various web browsers and devices, and make adjustments if necessary to make it fully accessible to all visitors.

8. Audit your web copy. Check for proper heading tags, consistent and readable font, use of white space and images to break up text, and easily scannable structure.

9. Use your findings from the auditing process to adjust the elements of your website that are underperforming.

10. Monitor and audit your website periodically. Continue to test and make adjustments to optimize your site for a higher conversion rate.