Define Buyer Personas

1. Look for common groupings of customers based on factors that influence their purchasing behavior

Do not group by demographics unless that has a strong impact on how people buy, and what information you communicate with them. Favor groupings based on behavior.

2. Consult with stakeholders on groupings and adjust your groupings based on the feedback you receive.

Talk to those who have regular contact with your audience and ask if the groupings make sense to them.

3. Identify key characteristics for each group through surveys and interviews.

The characteristics you focus on will be dependant on how you want to use your personas, but some typical information would include: Goals they are trying to achieve. Pain points they want to overcome. Tasks they wish to complete. Questions they have. Things that influence their buying decision. Emotions relating to their buying process. Objections to buying. Relevant broader context.

4. Turn your groupings into fictional personas.

Add to the characteristics above various persona details, to help bring the personas to life. These might include: Name. Age. Job title. Income level. Family life.

5. Make use of your personas at every opportunity.

Be careful that your personas don’t end up forgotten in a draw. Some ideas for how you can use them includes: Bring them to every project meeting. Frame them and have them on the walls of your office. Include them in any project documentation. Use them as criteria in judging the worth of potential projects, for example, does it fulfill a personas goal or help them overcome a pain point?