Create the outline for a marketing campaign
Create the outline for a marketing campaign
1. Set a goal for the marketing campaign. From this, identify KPIs that you can use to measure its success.
Starting with your goal and KPIs keeps everyone working on the campaign focused on what matters most. The campaign goal should match business goals, while KPIs are measurable metrics and benchmarks to reach the goal. For example, the outline for a marketing campaign promoting a product launch should both include the goal of reaching a pre-defined sales threshold and KPIs like: increase in product awareness; shopping cart adds; and number or ratio of positive product reviews to reach that threshold.
2. List the target audience you want to reach with your campaign. Include persona profiles.
This will help the creative team and channel managers optimize their tactics for audience preferences and needs.
3. Outline the creative concept and key narrative that will help you reach your campaign goal. Summarize the big idea that you'll build your messaging around, in a single paragraph of no more than 3-4 sentences.
For example, a brand awareness campaign may highlight the business value proposition in a unique, engaging way. In contrast, a product launch campaign will focus more specifically on the product’s benefit, highlighted creatively to present it as a solution to your audience’s problems and differentiate it from competitors.
4. Define the messaging for your campaign based on the creative concept. Include elements of copy messaging and visual messaging.
For copy messaging, include bullet points of key messages that support your campaign narrative. For visual messaging, including any notes, highlights, and examples of how your creative concept can be expressed in images, graphics, and videos.
5. Outline the channels for your marketing campaign based on your target audience and campaign objective. Include a short sentence on how each channel will fit into the overall campaign objective.
For example, if your campaign includes both TV and SEM, explain that TV will build awareness and audience interest, which the more intent-based search ads can convert to leads or purchases.
6. Create a list of assets you need to effectively communicate your creative concept on the channels you’ve outlined.
Depending on your channels, goals, and audience, you might need TV spots, shorter or long-form videos for social media, infographics, product photography, and more. This list provides your digital team with both the assets they need to create, and the context of other assets in which their designs, photography, etc. will exist.
7. Provide a timeline overview for the launch and duration of your campaign. Include the assets that need to be ready at each point.
Include these three parts of the timeline: Launch dates for both the campaign and individual tactics. End dates for both the campaign and individual tactics. Any benchmarks between launch and end dates at which you plan to evaluate the campaign and make potential adjustments. This will help your channel managers understand how their tactics will feed into the overall campaign.
8. Outline the campaign and channel-specific budget for stakeholders to review and approve.
If your outline needs to be approved by internal or external stakeholders, including the budget helps to prevent inevitable questions about how much the campaign will cost. Tying the budget into the individual channels allows you to show their individual importance and impact on achieving campaign objectives.