Create retargeting campaign with Taboola/Outbrain

1. Enable the data tracking required for retargeting by installing both the Outbrain pixel and the Taboola pixel across all pages on your website.

2. Navigate to a pre-existing Taboola or Outbrain campaign, or create a new campaign.

3. Click Audience Retargeting in Outbrain's drop-down menu for Audiences, or click Audiences > New Audience > From Pixel in the top right of your Taboola campaign.

4. Wait for 1-2 weeks, which is the amount of time that both Outbrain and Taboola need to run, in order to gain adequate audience data from your campaigns and from your pixels.

5. Return to campaign settings in Outbrain and Taboola.

6. Scroll down in your Taboola campaign and click My Audiences > Campaign Clickers or Campaign Viewers and add any further targeting parameters, such as the type of browser or operating system they're using.

7. Scroll down in your Outbrain campaign and select either Audience Retargeting, which is anyone who viewed your website; Story Sequencing, to retarget those who viewed or clicked on your Outbrain campaign; or Converters Segment to re-engage with people who previously converted in your campaign.