Create Custom Tracking Events On Your Site
Create Custom Tracking Events On Your Site
1. Create a spreadsheet with a list of events that you want to track on your site, arrange them in the specific categories you find useful for reporting and optimization, and assign a label to each event.
Some examples include: Category = Video, Action = 50% View, and Label = _Add_Video_Title_Here Category = Services Page, Action = Pageview, and Label = _Specific_Services_Name Category = Button and Action = Click, and Label = _Download_Now_
2. Create a new tag for each event in Google Tag Manager under Google Analytics > Universal Tracking and set up the trigger for each tag.
Assign the Track Type for each new tag as Event tracking type tag and enter the Category, Action, and Label for each tag. Select the appropriate Trigger for each tag from the list of available options in Google Tag Manager.
3. Add the built-in variable value from your website to your Trigger Configuration for tags that will be triggered based on specific user actions, like a button click, taken on specific webpage elements.
Use the class for the value of the trigger from the source of your web page. Triggers can be fired on several user actions, such as a Click or Video View, so choose the appropriate value for This trigger fires on to set up the required action for each class element. For example, you could set your trigger to fire on Some Link Clicks rather than all clicks.
4. Use the Google Tag Manager Preview Manager to test your event tracking.
Click Preview in the top-right corner of the GTM screen. Enter the URL of your website/page, and click Start. Click the button for which you have set up the Event Tag. Navigate to the Tag Assistant [Connected] tab in your browser. Check if your Event is listed under Tags Fired. If it is, then you have successfully set up your custom event. If not, go through the setup process again and ensure everything is configured correctly.