Create a video sitemap
Create a video sitemap
1. Create a spreadsheet of all pages and posts with videos on your website that you want people to find via search engines.
Don’t include URLs that are: Blocked by robots.txt file. Require a login to access. Are password-protected.
2. Paste in the URL of each video and its thumbnail in the columns beside its page or post URL.
If the URLs are blocked from search engines in any way, do not include them.
3. Open a text editor like Notepad on your computer and create a new file.
4. Code all the video information in your spreadsheet in XML tags.
Your XML code should look like this for each video:
5. Save the file as video_sitemap.xml.
If you have more than one video sitemap, create a sitemap index file called sitemap_index.xml and link to all the sitemaps on your website including your video sitemaps. The index file looks like this: