Create a marketing project management plan
Create a marketing project management plan
1. Create a spreadsheet and divide your project management plan into 5 stages: Mapping, Sketching, Deciding, Prototyping, and Testing.
During mapping, you’ll set targets and objectives. During sketching, you’ll ideate and pitch ideas for achieving your marketing goals. During the third phase, you’ll decide on your campaign content, channels, and tactics. During the fourth phase, you’ll build the first campaign materials, and during the testing phase, you’ll collect feedback on your campaign setup and content.
2. Identify your business objectives and set measurable marketing targets.
Conduct user research on the products or pages that you’ll be marketing. Use surveys, customer interviews, A/B testing or heat mapping to understand how customers view the offering and the information around it. Analyze your results and set up the targets you need to reach to consider a marketing campaign successful.
3. Meet with your marketing department to go over your data and write your marketing plan draft.
In the marketing draft plan, include all deliverables such as channels, content, and messaging. Ask your marketing department to create a plan that targets your business goals and solves the problems your business is facing. Allow each member to voice their ideas and take note of their solutions.
4. Give your team members voting opportunities and rank the ideas based on the number of votes.
Each member has 2 votes and a super vote, which is worth two votes in total.
5. Catalog the top 10 voted ideas in a spreadsheet and rank them from most to least number of votes.
6. Select one person from the team to be an Approver and approve all plausible and efficient marketing ideas.
The approver will present the conceived marketing plan to the rest of the team once it is approved. Assign another person with the Driver role to launch the campaign into the next stages of development.
7. Build a prototype of your marketing campaign using minimal resources.
Use the prototype to test your campaign and learn how to improve it before launch. Resist the urge to polish up the prototype and spend as little time as possible on developing it.
8. Send the prototype campaign to 5-7 customers to gather insights on how to improve the campaign.
Use standardized qualitative interviews to get feedback from your users. Ask questions about their mode of interaction, and request positive and negative feedback. Catalog their answers in a spreadsheet
9. Transform customer feedback into How Might We? questions to identify what actions need to be taken.
List all the How Might We? questions in a spreadsheet and sort them by priority.