Create a CX strategy from scratch

1. Create a multidisciplinary team with skills that include scientific experimentation, UX, copywriting, consumer psychology, statistics, data analysis, coding, research methodologies, change management, and design.

By including people from different departments on your CX team, you will have access to a wide range of feedback and increase your chances of company-wide buy-in.

2. Create a CX strategy that will allow you to continue to optimize your experience at business scale.

Include experimentation and learning cycles to generate commercial results.

3. Do your own review of the end-to-end experience and give yourself a backstory to create an ideal customer profile.

Research options on Google, check out social media links, sign up for the newsletter, follow the checkout flow, consider the communications you receive after purchasing, and the product itself. As you move through the stages, record your thoughts, feelings, apprehensions, and any unanswered questions you have as a customer.

4. Analyze your data sources such as Google Analytics and your CRM for proper setup, accuracy, and available timeframes.

Once you’re confident in the data that already exists, begin mining it to sketch out the happy path of the customer journey.

5. Implement a research sprint and experimentation cycle.

Research sprints might include tracking and collecting new analytics data, heat maps, and customer exit surveys. Implement experiments like A/A testing, A/B testing, audience segmentation, and value proposition dcopy tests. Scale up the number of research sprints and experiments as the process becomes more efficient, and the CX strategies are successful.

6. Plan small, ongoing CX strategies based on your research and experimentation cycle to take advantage of incremental revenue.

Avoid big initiatives that have a lot riding on them and take months to release.

7. Measure the CX impact in commercial terms to tie your improvements directly to revenue.

If you only focus on metrics like NPS you may miss crucial information, so try looking directly at reduced churn or lower operational costs.

8. Communicate, report, and educate all company stakeholders about the CX research, experiments, strategies, improvements, and outcomes.

Host workshops, use OKR tools such as 7Geese, share customers’ feedback from social and support channels, and create a few slides for a C-suite briefing.