Consider Continuous Conversion for website optimization
Consider Continuous Conversion for website optimization
1. Decide whether it’s acceptable to provide a unique page experience to every visitor.
For most marketers, Continuous Conversion is extra helpful when running promotions, changing messages, updating ad targeting, and reacting to competitors’ marketing efforts… because their visitor mix and visitor behaviors will change over time.
2. Think about how many ideas you want to test, and whether you want to test them individually or together.
Using Continuous Conversion, you can test many ideas simultaneously. But unlike multivariate testing, each idea doesn’t add exponentially to the time you need to test these combinations.
3. Estimate the amount of time that you have available to devote to testing.
With Continuous Conversion, you can test a virtually unlimited number of variations in parallel and can start seeing meaningful results in hours and days.
4. Decide whether it’s important to be able to stop or restart tests, or add or remove variations, without starting again from the beginning.
Continuous Conversion allows you to stop and restart tests or add or remove variations at any time – without waiting for existing tests to finish and without resetting all of your learning.
5. Analyze your access to data about your website visitors from website analytics and third-party providers.
Continuous Conversion can use first- and third-party data to better optimize your site. This in turn helps you derive more value from your existing marketing stack and other investments. For example, if you’re a B2B marketer doing predictive lead scoring, Continuous Conversion can use this data to better personalize your website for high- and low-score prospects. You could, for example, direct higher score leads to talk to sales and lower score leads to a self-serve signup.
6. Evaluate your team’s capacity for handling statistical analysis.
Continuous Conversion doesn’t require you to learn stats or check the tests every day. You can set it and forget it while optimization happens automatically in the background, if you choose. However, you can monitor statistical significance if you want, so that you can use the winning ideas in your other marketing channels, like ads, emails, or direct mail.
7. Check that your content team can handle putting together more ideas and variations of content in less time.
Because you can test a greater number of ideas more quickly, you might find that your content creation demands increase substantially to support this pace. Make sure that your content creation team can scale to handle the demand.
8. Check that your legal team can handle approving variations of content more frequently.
If you are in a regulated industry, you may need your legal team to approve each variation. That’s not a change from what you do today; however, Continuous Conversion enables you to test so much faster that you may end up asking for a lot more of the legal team’s time.