Collect voice-of-customer data
Collect voice-of-customer data
1. Select a method for gathering your voice-of-customer data.
One of the most reliable ways of getting usable customer insights is through surveys. You can use tools like Typeform, SurveyMonkey, or Refiner to capture your customers’ opinions. Alternatively, you can use interviews, forums, or on-site reviews.
2. Determine which pages of your copy need improvement to decide what information you need to optimize in your copy.
Select your questions based on your end goal. For example, if your analytics show that you are losing a high percentage of people on the checkout page, ask visitors a single question before leaving your site: What almost stopped you from completing your purchase?
3. Choose questions that identify the customers' wants, needs, pain points, and hesitations.
For example, when reworking an entire home page and corresponding sales funnel, send out an email survey to prospective and recent customers to understand the benefits of your solutions, and their biggest pain points. Ask the following questions to get good voice-of-customer data: When did you realize you needed a product like ours? What problem does our product lessen/fix for you? Did you consider any alternatives to buying with us? What concerns or hesitations did you have before you decided to buy with us?
4. Review each of your customer's responses for relevant information.
Evaluate each individual response for phrases that offer insight into the respondent’s needs and wants, or reference the respondent’s biggest pain points, hesitations, and concerns about purchasing.
5. Extract and organize your voice-of-customer data from customer responses.
Key messages can be copied and pasted into a Google Doc table with the column headings, Wants/Needs, Pain Points, Hesitations/Anxieties, and Likes/Loves/Obsessions. You can use an asterisk to note any messages that are particularly well said or could be inserted verbatim into your copy.
6. Analyze your voice-of-customer data to identify key messages.
Review each column noting recurring themes and patterns. Keep a tally for each column to identify key messages. For example, if in your Hesitations/Anxieties column you repeatedly got feedback that respondents almost did not purchase your product because they could not see how it would positively impact their businesses, you can identify it as a concern and address it on your site.
7. Compare your existing copy with the voice-of-customer data that you have gathered, to find gaps in communication.
Review the pages that you plan to rework for messages that answer these questions: How is your product/solution solving your customer’s problem? What are the benefits of your product/solution? How is your copy alleviating potential sources of friction? Compare the answers to these questions to the voice-of-customer data that you’ve collected to find the differences. For example, if you find that most of your voice-of-customer data tells you that the customer cannot live without your app because of its great interface and easy integration, but the focus of your existing copy is on the price, you have a communication gap.