Choose ecommerce metrics for high-level dashboard on GDS

1. Highlight the main metrics including total visitors, orders or transactions, revenue, and products purchased by creating individual Scorecards.

Once you add the chart, ensure it is connected to the correct data source when you set up the dashboard. Include the Scorecards at the top of the dashboard, use a bigger and bold font, generate a contrast between the background of the table and the number. It is important to be consistent with the look and feel of the overall dashboard, and your brand guidelines too.

2. Click on Add a Field at the end of the menu on the right and calculate the conversion rate; number of users with conversions divided by the total number of users, to define the efficiency of your e-commerce efforts, and include it as a Scorecard too.

The total visitors, or any other reach metric, combined with the total number of conversions, define the efficiency of your e-commerce efforts. If 1 from every 10 visitors purchased something at your website, you can say that your conversion rate is 10%.

3. Calculate and add another field with the average order value; total revenue divided by the number of transactions, to analyze your user’s purchase behavior.

This metric helps to understand the average price each user spent on your website. You can work on maintaining this metric, but increase the number of transactions or work on increasing the average order value and maintaining the transactions. In both ways, you can impact your revenue growth.

4. Add goal related metrics close to the previously highlighted metrics, if you have set them.

The metrics are the total number of goals accomplished, value, and conversion rate.

5. Include a percentage of variation on the main metrics to show their evolution by selecting the comparison date range at the menu on the right.

You can compare to a fixed period, previous period, or previous year. By default, this option is set on None.

6. Click on Add a Chart > Time Series to see the evolution of the main metrics mentioned before.

You can create one chart for each metric or relate two metrics in one chart. For example Total Revenue and Average Order Value, or Total Order/Transactions and Conversion Rate.

7. Include a funnel chart to visualize the conversion path, and identify if there is a specific step of the purchase funnel to be optimized.

8. Add a pie chart or treemap to show the contribution of each product to the Product Revenue.

You can choose other dimensions to split the Revenue/Orders, according to your business objective or goals.

9. Use the Style tab on the menu on the right, to adjust your charts' design to match with the rest of your dashboard.

You have different ways to customize your charts. You can change series colors, show or hide labels, legends, grids, and axis.