Choose ecommerce A/B test ideas
Choose ecommerce A/B test ideas
1. Test the positioning and content of your value proposition.
For example, your VP should be the first thing visitors see on your homepage, but hypothesize and test its visibility and placement, on category and product pages.
2. Test the prominence of your contact information like phone number and email address, so people can easily reach you.
For example, Zappos uses a brightly colored bar across the top of its homepage, with the wording, Available 24/7 at…
3. Experiment with offering different types of shipping strategies to balance your profitability with client enthusiasm.
It might be near impossible to make free shipping profitable. However, there are strategies you can experiment with: Establish a baseline: Compare conversion with and without a free shipping offer. Create thresholds: Increase the minimum order value required for free shipping, and test the improvement in margin. Set restrictions: See what kind of improvement you’ll get by offering free shipping only on select products where it is profitable. Enact price increases: Increase all your product prices to compensate for the loss you take on free shipping, and see how your profit compares.
4. Test the prominence, size, and placement of key navigation sections.
For example, Amazon uses a bold, centered search bar. You can experiment with the prominence of your sales and specials sections, depending on what’s right for your brand. Leverage best-selling products or best deals by emphasizing them on your homepage. For example, WineLibrary makes it hard to miss their great deals by placing them above all other landing page information.
5. Test what to say like what your clients want to hear, in your product descriptions.
For example, try adding character through personal recommendations, or a Why this will help you section, or a comparison table to quickly evaluate other products.
6. Test the use of product videos and autoplay with captions for your product pages.
For example, start by creating videos for a small part of your inventory to measure if having a video increases conversions. You could also test if videos help convert clients for high-ticket or high-complexity items.
7. Test the use of a persistent shopping cart cookie or a save the cart option.
For example, a shopping cart cookie will maintain added products up to a week later, while saving allows customers to choose to finish at a later time.
8. Test features of your checkout process, like asking for email first, the prominence and design of your checkout progress indicator, and number of payment options.
Asking for a login before checkout allows you to test email retargeting campaigns in the future. For example, you can use a page number design, or a progress bar, to help your clients better understand how long the process will take.
9. Test to see if clearly addressing purchase uncertainties improves conversion.
For example, directly answering the questions, Is this safe?, Can I return it?, and When will I get my stuff? on the product pages and/or in the shopping cart, may help guide your customers towards faster choices.