Check if your site is accessible without JS
Check if your site is accessible without JS
1. Download the Web Developer extension for Chrome, Firefox, or Opera.
2. Open your website, click on the Web Developer icon, and Disable JavaScript under Disable.
If portions of your page disappear, then it’s likely that search engines can’t see them. You will need more proof to be sure.
3. Type the full URL of one of your web pages into the URL Inspection Tool in Google Search Console to check whether Google can render your content.
Click Live Test in the top-right corner and click View Tested Page.
Click on the Screenshots tab to check whether any missing elements are rendered. If they did, move on to the next step.
If you can’t see some parts of your page in the screenshots tab, type “any phrase in the missing section” in Google search to be certain that it’s indexed. Sometimes due to slow loading, it might not show up in the screenshots tab but is indexed. If they don’t show up, reach out to your web developer about it.
4. Click on More Info and Page Resources and check for text that reads: “Googlebot blocked by robots.txt” to determine whether your robots.txt file blocked the JavaScript.
Copy the resource underneath it and send it to your developer to determine whether the file was accidentally blocked.
5. Click JavaScript Console Messages under the More Info tab and look for any JavaScript errors that could be preventing Googlebot from rendering your page correctly.
Some errors, like those from live chat widgets, might not impact SEO, but it’s worth checking all errors with your web developer.
6. Use the URL Inspection Tool in Google Console and the URL submission tool in Bing Webmaster tools to request that a page be crawled again after any JavaScript issues are resolved.
If many pages have been affected, resubmit your sitemap. For Google, paste the link to your sitemap in Sitemaps in Google Search Console. For Bing, paste the link to your sitemap in Sitemaps in Bing Webmaster.