Calculate a Net Promoter Score
Calculate a Net Promoter Score
1. Ask users: How likely are you to recommend the product or service to a friend?
This is known as Net Promoter Score (NPS) and is a popular and effective method of measuring user experience, loyalty, and satisfaction. Use a scale of 0-10.
2. Break up responses into three chunks: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.
Promoters (9–10): The happiest and most loyal customers, most likely to refer you to others. Use them for testimonials and as affiliates. Passives (7–8): These customers are happy but unlikely to refer you to friends. They may be swayed by a competitor fairly easily. Detractors (0–6): These are unhappy customers and can be dangerous for your brand, spreading negative messages and reviews. Identify their problems and fix them.
3. Subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters to get your NPS score.
Use the NPS score as a benchmark for how well you are doing. A good NPS is better than the one you had last month.
4. Compare your numbers to competitors' to get a realistic idea of your customers' satisfaction level, and then you can work on improving your score.
5. Investigate trends that are improving or worsening.
6. Plan targeted promotions and campaigns by learning more about your promoters.
Your promoters will help tell the world about you.
7. Use the detractors to determine what you can improve about the user experience you are offering.
Which issues keep appearing? Are there any trends?