Build an interaction model for a landing page
Build an interaction model for a landing page
1. Use Smooth-Scroll Sticky Anchor Navigation (SSAN) to move people through your page.
“Sticky” refers to the navigation bar remaining at the top of the screen; “Smooth-Scroll” refers to the page scrolling smoothly down the page when links are clicked—showcasing the content along the way and letting the visitor know it’s a single page. Links move your visitor to different page sections rather than taking users to other pages. This gives you a clear information hierarchy. A good example of SSAN can be seen here.
2. Use heatmap software like Hotjar or Smartlook to see which links get clicked.
You can see which navigation links people click, which helps identify the page content that’s most important.
3. Use heatmap software to see how many people click the logo—which shouldn’t be clickable.
Logo clicks show a strong intent to visit the homepage of your website for information that you haven’t put on your landing page—indicating that this use case (or the traffic coming to it) might be better sent to your homepage. This is most common with branded PPC traffic.
4. Use “Read more” lightbox links to pop up a modal window to show sections with a lot of content.
For example, long feature lists or legal information.