Build a culture of experimentation

1. Write a list of 4–8 guidelines to clearly define critical processes to eliminate friction.

For example, guidelines like All test ideas are fungible help encourage experimentation and ensure that no team member is held back.

2. Create and commit to a testing cadence with a weekly experiment release schedule and maintain it for at least one month.

This helps you maintain momentum as your program matures and ensures you’ll have enough tests to make a good impact.

3. Instead of punishing, use enthusiasm to celebrate failure and destigmatize trying new things.

For example, at Porch, employees are rewarded with a comical office trophy if their bold and inventive experiments break the website. This helps make experimentation fun and acceptable in their office.

4. Create a public leaderboard to track which team members submit the most test ideas and have the most winning ideas, to trigger healthy competition and generate enthusiasm.

Competition can increase productivity and the volume of test ideas submitted.

5. Integrate Slack by creating channels for showing test results, analyses, and new test ideas to trigger team members to contribute more ideas.

6. Host weekly roundup meetings to highlight, celebrate, and share test winners and losers.

7. Add 15five style surveys into your weekly communications to measure employees’ intentions and influence their behavior.

For example, asking questions like Do you have any ideas for improving our growth and experimentation process? encourages employees to come up with new ideas.