Angle your Facebook ads copy

1. Define your target audience based on your ideal customers.

Depending on your product or service, you might have one target market or several. The most common criteria to define a target audience are: Age Gender Education Purchasing power Social class Location Consumption habits For example: Men, 40-55 years old, living in the United States with a bachelor’s degree, monthly income of over $10,000, and passionate about fitness and travel.

2. Build customer personas for each target audience that embodies the characteristics of your ideal customer.

When you’re writing Facebook ads, your copy should speak directly to this person. As you develop these personas, consider how your product or service fits into their lifestyle. Craft your persona in a way that makes what you offer relevant to them. For example: Adam is a 41-year-old accountant living in San Francisco, CA. He has an MBA and embodies the motto of “work hard, play hard.” Despite long days at the office, he always makes time for his family, and he volunteers on weekends as an assistant coach for his son’s Little League team. Because of his involvement with his son’s sports, he’s developed friendships with other parents, and they often meet outside the kids’ activities for pickup games of basketball and getaways.

3. Determine what problems or pain points your target audience has and how your product solves them.

Think of your product as a bridge that takes a prospect from a before state to an after state. The graphic below illustrates what your prospect has, how they feel, what their average day is like, and what their status is before and after purchasing your product. Customer Value Optimization: How to Build an Unstoppable Business |  Business process management, Feeling scared, Marketing strategy

4. Create an offer that addresses the pain point and demonstrates how your product is the best one to solve it.

Use information from the after section of your grid to determine what you’re offering that will resonate with your personas. A discount, free trial, or sample is often a great place to start. This ad from Intuit QuickBooks is a perfect example. It contains a generous discount, but it also addresses a major pain point that small businesses face with payroll taxes: complicated spreadsheets.

5. Create a hook for each customer persona that grabs attention, creates interest, and makes your audience stop scrolling mindlessly through Facebook to pay attention to what you have to say.

For example, QuickBooks is likely to have multiple customer personas, and each of them will be attracted to something different. One persona might be a solopreneur trying to figure out how to do payroll taxes without any help. A hook for them might be, “Handle payroll taxes yourself without having to hire a bookkeeper, even if you’ve never taken an accounting class in your life.” Another persona might be an independent contractor struggling to keep receipts organized for taxes. QuickBooks uses the hook: “Start organizing your freelance expenses,” and they show someone using a smartphone app. The Ad Grid below puts your customer personas on the x-axis and hooks on the y-axis. Ideally, create one Ad Grid for each offer. This Offer is for a Social Media Audit. The offer is the same across each persona, but notice how each persona has a different hook assigned based on what they hope to get out of having this audit.

6. Draft ad copy that focuses on benefits and addresses the needs of a specific persona.

Convert features into benefits by looking at why your customers need those features. For example, a feature of an external hard drive is how much storage it has, but benefit-focused ad copy aimed at new parents says, “Never forget the day he took his first step.” “People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole.” – Theodore Levitt, Harvard Business School Professor

7. Call out your audience so that they know the ad is directed to them.

As your audience is scrolling through Facebook, they’re more likely to stop if they see something that they know is meant for them. Something like, Hey, California! or Softball players wanted! will immediately signal your audience that you’re speaking directly to them. Be careful not to call out personal characteristics that go against Facebook’s privacy policy, though. This includes mentioning age, race, religion, and other sensitive topics.

8. Structure your ad copy into short paragraphs of no more than 1-2 sentences, and add emojis for personality and emphasis.

A checkmark ( ✅ ) is perfect for bulleted lists.

9. Include a compelling call to action that tells your audience what you want them to do.

Specific calls to action include Learn More, Buy Now, Get Offer, Call Us, and Book an Appointment.