Analyze user survey results
Analyze user survey results
1. Go through your data to get an initial sense of what’s going on, and identify trends and patterns you can review later.
Beware of your biases; it’s human to look at the data and spot view trends right away, at least something that looks like a trend, and then start looking for info that proves that trend while leaving out the rest. This will happen, if needed, take a break and come back later with a clear head.
2. Attach code names to the different personas you identify as you go through your responses.
For example, if you create WordPress themes, you might notice that your responders fall into categories like: A blogger who is starting out and looking for their first WP theme (Blogger), Professional web designer purchasing themes for client websites (Designer), or Small business looking to upgrade their current site (Small-Biz).
3. Codify the answers.
For the WordPress theme shop in the previous example, answers to the question, Why did you purchase a theme from us? could be codified by listing possible answers; beautiful design, easy solution, functional, free, reviews or examples, WP theme, price, and trustworthy company. Then it’s just a matter of putting either a 1 or 0 in the column and move on.
4. Interpret the data: put together an amalgamation of your ideal customer, or the problem that is holding them back from buying.
For example, when Meg Hayne, the president of clothing brand Free People was asked about their ideal customer, she answered:
5. Write a summary report about your findings: Bring all the learnings you had together into a readable format with all the personas you did, prioritized issues, and general findings and patterns.
For example, the report below: