Add alt text to your images

1. Open the post or page on your CMS platform like WordPress or Squarespace.

If your website has no CMS capabilities, you will need to consult with your developer or find one to assist you with the next steps.

2. Select the image you want to add the alt text to.

Open the image settings inside your CMS and find the alt text field. In WordPress, for example, this will show in the image’s block settings.

3. Describe the image, keeping your alt text simple and unique.

100-125 characters are usually sufficient to describe an image comprehensively. There’s no need to include image of, or picture of, in your alt text.

4. Prioritize a page's keyword in the alt text.

If the opportunity is there, include the page’s target keyword in at least one of your images’ alt text. This allows search engines to find your keywords on the page, and understand which phrases the image should rank for in image search.

5. Update or save your post or page on your CMS platform, or ask your developer to save the changes for you.