5. Identify a strong human insight
5. Identify a strong human insight
1. Create a 1-2 sentence description of your target audience, including key information such as their age, gender, location, interests, values, and life stage like recently married.
For example, if you marketed a productivity-enhancing music-streaming service like Focus@Will, then your target audience might be 70% male, 25 to 45 years old, creative workers who value deep work.
2. Identify the three most common situations when your product or service is helpful in solving a specific problem for your audience.
Continuing with the example above, a productivity-enhancing music-streaming service can be used in multiple situations throughout our day but is most ideal when working.
3. Add a specific frustration for every situation you described.
For example, My regular Spotify playlists distract me from working. (frustration, situation).
4. Add a specific desire to every situation you described.
For example, My regular Spotify playlists distract me from working. I wish I could stay focused for many hours at a time. (frustration, situation, desire)
5. Combine the audience description, situation, frustration, and desire into two rows of text.
For example: Audience: 70% male, 25 to 45y of age, a creative worker who values deep work. Insight: My regular Spotify playlists distract me from working. I wish I could stay focused for many hours at a time.
6. Follow the same process with each of your important audience segments if you have more than one.
This process does not guarantee you will land on a good strong insight, but it significantly increases your chances. Remember the growth potential aspect of an insight. You will often need to test the insight in a real campaign to evaluate the potential to grow the brand.