People like a good presentation

For republishing your ideas, consider turning some of your content into slides. People love visuals and Google Slides is the easiest tool for creating a presentation for your WordPress blog…

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Like for like, share for share

There are plenty of social media apps to get likes for likes or tags for likes, where if you give liked to other people you’ll get likes, tags, shares, etc.…

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Catch people’s eyes with your headlines

Your headlines need to capture a reader’s attention, Media outlet Buzzfeed recently published a list of words that headlines have to include to get the most shares. Adap this to your content…

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Automate your social media posts

The most efficient way of growth hacking is to automate as many tasks as you can so you can be as efficient as you possibly can. Meet Edgar is a great tool…

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Advertise through Whatsapp!

It’s not within Facebook’s interest that you advertise through WhatsApp, that is why most people don’t think to use this social outlet to promote their product, however, it is very…

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