Qualaroo if great for Funnel A/B Testing
Qualaroo is a great tool to understand the “why” of your A/B testing results. For instance, if you are testing user activation by changing the size of a CTA button,…
Qualaroo is a great tool to understand the “why” of your A/B testing results. For instance, if you are testing user activation by changing the size of a CTA button,…
You can have a specified Twitter audience with Blockspring, this tool will look for particular keywords in people’s bios to see if they match your customer persona. This tool automatically…
Do split-testing through your ad-copy to validate which business model works best for you. If you, for instance, have a program and look to either charge a monthly or yearly…
This is how you differentiate yourself from your competitors, make sure to feature those characteristics that might be not immediately visible in images but is of great relevance. Have your…
Make sure that the meta titles of your page use your most important keywords, this will improve your website’s organic search traffic. The keyword you use needs to be in…
This is one of the very first things you need to keep in mind when you do keyword research. Analyze your competitor’s keywords, and which ones seem to be recurrent,…
This is a great hack to achieve more visibility, increase your audience and have an effect on your overall industry, therefore this is not an easy hack. Before you start…
There is such a thing as too many hashtags and too little hashtags. Experiment what works best for you, since hashtags are a great source of engagement, but different segments…
Target an audience that shares the same characteristics of your current customers. You can do this by targeting demographics, shared interests, geography, etc! Targeting people similar to them will help…
Promote the innovation and newness of your product and position it as more updated and modern than your older products or from those of your competitors. People are all in…