Do time sensitive discounts

The trick here is to offer a time sensitive discount. Something like “You’ve got only 48 hours to upgrade with a limited 25% lifetime discount” and “We only have 7…

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Run a contest

Offer bundles in exchange for contact information. No rocket science there, but if you hit the spot, you might actually gather some good quality leads.

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The Welcome Email

Make it personal, creative and attach your picture. There are hundreds of great examples, namely Buffer and Mangools. Here are 9 more great welcome email templates.

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Localize your SaaS app

Improved user experience means higher retention. Provide localizations in languages your customers use the most. Offer self-translations and manage them with platforms like Localazy

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Offer more payment options

Integrating a payment gateway like Braintree or Stripe is not that difficult. Accepting VISA and MasterCard is a good start but try adding more options like AMEX, PayPal or even…

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