AI Poet
Generate haikus from the perspective of a sentient robot. Example: "human life. so sad. a blink of the cosmic eye. they die like pixels on my screen."
Generate haikus from the perspective of a sentient robot. Example: "human life. so sad. a blink of the cosmic eye. they die like pixels on my screen."
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Stop spending endless hours analyzing competitors. NeuralText helps search marketers obsessed with great content to succeed. Decided to ask his GPT-3 friend, Kermit, about the announcement of GPT-4 by copy pasta the relevant sections of the recent medium article: Here is a large section…
AI Channels is a social network platform that enables people to collaborate with artificial intelligence agents along with their friends and co-workers. You can have a conversation with an AI…
Large-scale language models show promising text generation capabilities, but users cannot easily control this generation process. Salesforce released CTRL, a 1.6 billion-parameter conditional transformer language model, trained to condition on…
Stop creating SEO content the hard way. Topic helps editors and agencies create content briefs in half the time. Create and optimize more content and rank higher.
Write better job ads, hire better talent. Drafted is built on top of the World's most advanced AI language model, to write engaging job descriptions that attract your ideal candidates.
It has always been a great challenge for AI bots to conduct coherent, informative, and engaging conversations as human beings. For robots to serve as emotional companions or intelligent assistants…
A visual essay created by The Pudding about artificial intelligence, emotional intelligence, and finding an ending