SAL to SQL Conversion Rate

Tracking this conversion rate metric is just as important. This conversion rate depends heavily on the specific SDR whose personality and sales skills are as important as the level of the SDR’s training on the product, use case and competition. The number of SQLs generated per period of time is often a performance objective and is used for the basis of incentive programs such as Management by Objective bonuses (MBOs). Outside of the specific SDR, the specific conversion rate is also influenced by the individual contact person at the company. Being able to identify the employees with purchasing authority is key to ensuring that the lead converts to a SQL. Without the right contacts, the AE will ask the SDR to continue building the relationship and networking to reach the right people.

One quick note on the MQL to SAL to SQL process: High priority leads, colloquially called “hot leads” are routed directly to the Account Executive and thereby skipping qualification.

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