Dear [first-name],
Thank you for your interest in [your-business-name], your [your-business-name] Cloud trial is ready. In just minutes, you can secure mobile devices, apps, and content with the most robust, multi-OS enterprise mobility management platform today. Begin your 30-day trial now by clicking the activation link below.
Activate Now
Username: [email removed]
Once you log in, a setup wizard will help you complete the process so you can get started right away.
Experience and learn even more during your trial by taking full advantage of our [your-business-name] Cloud Success Journey; an extensive collection of technical resources including: a Getting Started guide, best practices, click-by-click how-to guides, FAQs and more. You can log in to this site with the following credentials: Username: [email removed]mip, Password:
We will contact you within a few business days to see how your trial is progressing and answer any questions you may have about [your-business-name] Cloud.
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