Subject: Your Marin request: still interested?

Hi [first-name],

Hope your Thursday’s is treating you well. I’ve tried reaching out a few times after you requested information on a free trial of [your-business-name] on Monday, but never saw a response.

As a quick refresher, many of the world’s largest companies (like these) use [your-business-name] to measure, manage, report, and optimize more than $7.8 Billion in annualized ad spend. However, we have recently undertaken new initiatives to help mid-market advertisers (ad spends between $10k-150k/month) achieve an average 40-60% time savings, and 18-35% financial lift managing search, social, and display campaigns.

Definitely don’t want to be a nuisance. We just wanted to ask if you were still interested in discussing how our software could potentially fit with your current digital efforts, and- if so- when you could fit in a 10-15 minute initial discussion?

I understand this is often all about timing Jon, so if you could shoot me back a brief update either way I would greatly appreciate it!
