Subject: CollabNet Follow Up

Hi [first-name],

I noticed you recently visited the [your-business-name] website, and I wanted to offer myself as a resource, and schedule a time to learn more about your development goals this year.

Some of the things we cover and can discuss are:

̢ Subversion Education, Services and Technical Support

̢ Agile project and program management

̢ Agile certification or team education

̢ Continuous Integration

̢ TeamForge (project workspace, access controls, Jira integration, Wiki/Discussion forums, SVN repository replication, Git replication and Agile planning)

* And so much more!

Just let me know the best time to reach you and I will be sure to schedule some time for us. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Thank you,

[your-name] Business Development
O: [your-phone-number]
E: [your-email]