Edit your sales page copy
Edit your sales page copy
1. Clarify your message by highlighting what you're offering and why.
2. Match your above the fold message with the ad or link copy bringing the visitors to your sales page.
3. Overwhelm the reader with value by listing every single reason why to buy and what pain points the product eliminates.
4. Identify a claim you've made about your product, and use quantifiable proof like testimonials, data, and press quotes.
For example, petdoors.com used testimonials to prove the claims they made were true.
5. Replace dull, abstract, or generic descriptions with vivid language.
To make your copy more vivid: Replace general nouns with specific ones. Replace generic adjectives with active ones. Replace weak verbs with punchy ones. Use metaphors and analogies to paint mental pictures.
6. Add copy to call out crucial points that should be noticed in your images or videos - make them easy to skim.
7. Try to cut your word count by 30-50% without losing any critical information.
If your copy is not doing any of these, remove it: Is it reflecting or matching motivation? Is it conveying or clarifying value? Is it proving a claim? Is it addressing anxiety? Is it adding authentic specificity?