Use dynamic content on a B2B website
Use dynamic content on a B2B website
1. Use hyper-specific landing pages for your different customer personas.
Your landing pages should address the specific problems faced by your different customer personas. Otherwise, users have less reason to take a leap of faith and become paying customers.
2. Align pages with your customer’s expectations.
This isn’t specific to B2B, but B2B customers tend to exhibit more heterogeneity due to the issue of multiple buyers and roles. B2B buyers are more risk-aware, meaning they’re more likely to abandon your site in favor of a competitor that specifically calls out the issue they were searching for if they can’t find what they expect on your site. Put another way, no one ever got fired for buying IBM. You do not only have to resonate with the customer in terms of motivation to buy, but you also have to assuage the fears that they’ll get in trouble if they buy the wrong software.
3. Use multi-step, consultative landing pages instead of a one-size-fits-all landing page.
B2B prospects nowadays are much more likely to use the web to find solutions to the problems they’re facing, rather than call and talk to a salesperson. The burden of consultation needs to be shifted to your landing pages instead of your sales team. Start by directing users to a segmentation page and present them with a few one-click choices to describe their query. Use that information to direct them to the landing page most relevant to their needs.
4. Combine design with conversion optimization to signal professionalism and credibility.
Few things give a worse first impression of your product than cheap-looking, hastily thrown together landing pages. And first impressions carry a lot of weight in the risk-averse world of B2B. While there’s no silver bullet method to designing a compelling landing page, you want to make sure that your landing page at least includes your brand’s colors and reflects its values.
5. Address and minimize buyer risks as clearly and thoroughly as possible in your copy.
The end buyer is always human, and the decisions humans make aren’t always perfectly rational. B2B buyers tend to be specifically wary of risks and have a lot more on their minds (their careers) than consumers when making purchase decisions. They’ll typically go with the product or company they feel safest with. How you go about this depends on what you’re selling and your target audience. But, at minimum, you’ll need to research your target audience and address some of the common risks issues and problems they face in your landing page copy.