Use live chat to convert
Use live chat to convert
1. Decide whether to use proactive or reactive chat on your website.
Reactive chat activates only when users interact with the chat and require assistance. It is like browsing through a store and asking for assistance when you need it. Proactive chat begins after users have spent time on your page and use animation and sound to indicate support is available. It is like a sales associate approaching you at the right time to answer all the questions.
2. Use live chat information and records to conduct qualitative research and understand your customers' needs better.
Scan your customer logs to identify customer concerns on the go. Identify the words they use when describing an issue or their needs. Use this data to improve your value proposition.
3. Create a list of questions that will give you valuable insights about your customers.
For example: What brought you to our site today? How did you hear about us? What are your pain points? How long have you been searching for a ? Do you currently use a ?
4. Decrease the workload for each support agent to increase the quality of their responses and the time to handle the client's needs.
A live chat is only as good as the agent behind it. If your agents are untrained, exhausted, or overworked, quality will suffer across the board.
5. Prioritize answering customers' live chat queries in thirty seconds - aim to respond as soon as possible but don't overlook the quality of your response.
If you handle customer queries on social media, the standard response time is 10 hours, and for email, it’s 17 hours.
6. Provide customers with complete responses and increase the number of messages your agents send to improve user satisfaction.
7. Use your customer persona to train your agents to communicate shared values by using similar words when chatting, and write with authenticity in their responses.
For example, you can use an opening prompt to indicate you are not a robot. Hi, my name is Ryan. Can I help you with anything? (yes, I’m a real person!)
8. Include a lead generation trigger in your proactive live chat to offer users incentives for signing up with their email, or decrease decision fatigue by helping them through the checkout process.
For example, you can ask users for their phone numbers to follow up with them and convert them into paying customers.