Create a brand identity prism
Create a brand identity prism
1. Draw a hexagon, with 2 of the 6 vertices pointing straight up and down, to create a framework for your brand identity prism.
This shape will act as a wireframe for your brand identity prism. For easy execution and file sharing with your team, use an online tool such as: Lucidchart. Visio. Sketch. Miro. Include multiple team members from different departments in this process to compile the most comprehensive results from varying perspectives.
2. Label each of the vertices of your identity prism, including your Brand Name at the top vertex, Customer at the bottom vertex, External at the left vertex, and Internal at the right vertex.
3. Divide your prism into six sections.
Draw a straight line from the top vertex to the bottom vertex. Draw a second line from the upper-left vertex to the upper-right vertex. Draw a third line from the lower-left vertex to the lower-right vertex. Extend the two horizontal lines past the outline of your prism on both the left and right sides if you would like extra space to write out descriptions in the upcoming steps. Label each of the sections on the External side from top to bottom: Physique, Relationship, Reflection. Label each of the sections on the Internal side from top to bottom: Personality, Culture, Self-Image. Your prism diagram should look something like the brand identity prism for Levi’s.
4. List descriptive words or statements in the upper-left Physique quadrant to describe the physicality of your brand.
You might describe your brand’s logo or list distinguishing characteristics about your products or packaging in this section. For example, a brand identity prism for Pringles would reference their iconic tube canisters for their chips in this area, as it sets them apart from other snack chip brands.
5. Refer to market research and customer feedback to list descriptive words or statements in the middle-left hand Relationship quadrant about the relationships you have with customers.
Team members in customer support and social media management can provide some great insight into the comments and feedback that your customers have shared about how they relate to your brand via email, survey responses, or social media comments and DMs.
6. List descriptive words or statements in the bottom-left Reflection quadrant about how the customer sees themselves with your brand.
Gain insight into how your customers see themselves while using your products or services by referencing survey results, social media comments or DMs, or speaking with your customer support team to get their perspective on direct customer feedback they have received. For example, the brand POP Fit offers feminine activewear and loungewear designed for inclusivity of all body types. Their customers might describe feeling confident and comfortable in their own skin when they wear their POP Fit apparel.
7. Write descriptive words or statements in the upper-right Personality quadrant that describe how employees see the brand or understand its capabilities.
Conduct an employee survey to collect their honest opinions and feedback about your brand. Gather feedback during company-wide meetings, focus groups, or one on one interviews with your team members. For example, your employees might describe your brand as innovative and a group of out of the box thinkers in your industry who deliver unique solutions for your customers.
8. Write words or statements in the middle-right Culture quadrant about the core beliefs of your internal teams.
For example, your team might describe your brand’s culture as customer centric, quality-focused, or diverse.
9. Write words or statements in the bottom-right Self-Image quadrant that represent internal purpose or the brand’s sense of self.
Refer to employee satisfaction surveys, one on one interviews, and team polls for specific terms.