Use copy to build trust
Use copy to build trust
1. Use specific language instead of superlatives.
Translate superlatives into specifics. For example, if you own an Italian restaurant, Our restaurant has won 6 Golden Spoon awards in the Italian Food category works better and is more believable than We have the best Italian restaurant.
2. Use customer testimonials, neutral expert opinions, third-party reviews, and verified studies to back up any claims you make.
For example, Papalote uses tweets and testimonials to praise their food. This makes any claim much more believable.
3. Avoid jargon and corporate speak, and use simple language to talk to your audience like they speak.
Go over your website copy and read it out loud, imagining it’s a conversation with a friend. Re-word any sentence you wouldn’t say to a friend.
4. Put your audience first: make your copy solely about your audience and how they can benefit.
Avoid only writing about yourself.
5. Validate your audience's beliefs in your copy to find common ground.
Talk to your audience to find out their beliefs.
6. Validate your audience's pain and get them to agree with the problem.
Conduct user surveys to identify pain points, and pay attention to the exact wording your audience uses when describing them.
7. Listen to your customers' needs, point out your strengths, and help customers make their own decision, even if it means using someone else's product.
Mention all the other suppliers out there along with their advantages in your copy.
8. Be straightforward about your product's weaknesses and mention which competitors can offer the value that you can’t.
For example, when Scope was touting their mouthwash’s great taste, Listerine responded by admitting the terrible taste of theirs and making a point that it’s a necessary trade-off to achieve the superb effectiveness.