How to improve A/B test results
How to improve A/B test results
1. List your business objectives, website goals, key performance indicators, and target metrics.
Use these to prioritize the areas of your website that you focus on. For example, if your main business objective is to improve sales, you’d probably focus on analyzing, testing, and improving your sales funnel.
2. Conduct heuristic analysis to assess every web page based on relevancy, clarity, value, friction, and distraction.
Check if the page satisfies user expectations in terms of design and content. See if the content is easily understandable or how to make it simpler. Check if the page provides value or if it can motivate the user more. Identify page elements that cause doubts and figure out how to simplify. Check if something on the page is distracting the user and preventing them from taking action.
3. Use Google Analytics to check how your website is performing on various browsers and devices.
Go to Audience > Technology > Browser & OS Report. Check the conversion rate for every browser across device categories – mobile only, desktop only, tablet only. Go to Behavior > Site Speed > Page Timings, and turn on Comparison to identify slow pages. Note page loading and interactive times. Start with pages that see maximum traffic. Mark URLs with sub-optimal loading speeds, with Google PageSpeed Insights. Google reports will typically give you some ideas on how to fix common issues with your site.
4. Conduct web analytics analysis using Google Analytics and set up goals, events and segments to learn user behavior and page/feature/widget performance.
Conduct an analytics health-check to identify holes and broken setups and ensure data credibility.
5. Quantify user behavior on your site with heat maps, form analytics, and user session replays.
Use click maps to visualize aggregated data on where users click. Red indicates many clicks. Use scroll maps to check till how far people scroll down, and tweak page design and content accordingly. Record video sessions of those who are going through your website with tools like Hotjar, Inspectlet, or Clicktale. Use tools like Formisimo, Hotjar or Clicktale to analyze form performance and identify fields that get most errors or are left empty.
6. Ask open-ended questions in online surveys to get insights about customer behavior when they are on your website.
Try to get about 200 responses from surveys. Ask questions like: Why is the user visiting your website? Could they complete the task or find the required information? Why couldn’t they complete a task? Why didn’t they make a purchase? What is holding them back from making a purchase? Identify UX problems, process bottlenecks, demand for new products, improvement for current products, why and how customers shop, main cause of cart abandonment and visitor segments, from surveys.
7. Conduct customer surveys to understand your target audience and improve the buying process or customer retention.
Survey new buyers to boost the buying process. Survey frequent buyers to boost retention. Include the following questions: Who are they (demographical data)? Why do they use your product – what problem does it solve? What do they like the most about it – did they consider alternatives? Why did they choose you over others – did they have any doubts? Do they have any questions that your site doesn’t answer?
8. Conduct customer interviews and focus groups to understand the buyer journey, identify associated emotions and record insights for future review.
Ask: How did customers discover their pain point? What solutions did they consider? Why did they choose your product? How did it solve their pain point? Note their words or phrases that are emotionally charged and use these in the weak parts of your copy, so that site visitors can relate better with your brand.
9. Watch a group of users complete a task on your website, like moving through a sales funnel.
Note any issues they encounter, when they look confused, and when they look confident.