Increase the number of retweets

1. Define your Twitter audience and the content they’re interested in.

2. Tweet highly shareable content, like trending topics, quotes, news updates, links to content, research statistics, or unique industry insights.

3. Limit Tweets to under 120 characters.

4. Include one or two relevant hashtags in your Tweet.

5. Include a URL link in your Tweet to a relevant article or website, if applicable.

6. Include a call to action to retweet.

7. Retweet and engage with other users’ Tweets that are relevant to your audience and industry.

8. Add your own concise, valuable commentary to your retweets to make your response worthy of shares.

9. Add retweetable snippets and social share icons to your content.

10. Test different tweeting times, formats, topics, and lengths to see which iterations receive the most retweets.