Build a social media drip campaign

1. Curate headlines, messages, and multimedia assets that reflect your brand's voice and value proposition.

Social media posts typically contain short, easily digestible captions, video clips, graphics, or photos. Organize and audit the various materials and messages that will best resonate with your audience and brand.

2. Tailor your content to the social networks you plan to use it on.

Each social media platform has different requirements and mechanics that will make different types of content more effective on certain platforms than others. Consider your target networks and optimize your content for these platforms. When creating a Instagram campaign, for instance, you will want to curate photos, captions, and hashtags.

3. Create a content calendar that reflects your goals for each social media site to ensure your posts align with your business goals.

Your social media calendar should detail the date and time that content is scheduled to publish on each channel. Considering the time of day your content will be published is essential to optimize engagement with your audience. For example, you can plan to publish 1-2 posts daily on one of your platforms, and every afternoon on another platform.

4. Analyze your posts to see what performed well and what did not work.

Use data such as views, likes, and shares to adjust tactics for future campaigns. For example, you may notice that content posted in the morning received more comments than posts shared later in the day. Going forwards, schedule more posts to be published in the morning.

5. Use an automated scheduling tool like Buffer or Hootsuite to publish social media posts on your behalf.

Relying on automated tools will ensure that your drip campaign elements are posted at the correct day and time, according to the publishing cadence that you have created.