Manage comments on your blog
Manage comments on your blog
1. Add an anchor link to allow readers to navigate to the comments section.
Do not force readers to scroll past non-blog content like related articles to reach the comments section. Label the anchor link with easily identifiable text, such as leave a comment.
2. Make registration optional or allow readers to login through their social media account with a plug-in like Simple Facebook Connect, Social Login, or Disqus.
Avoid using a CAPTCHA; if unavoidable, use a simple one.
3. Delete offensive, abusive, or derogatory comments.
4. Reply to comments by thanking the commenter, answering questions, and asking questions that trigger discussion.
If the conversation extends past three responses, then shift it to a private channel such as email.
5. Highlight your comments in articles and on social media to show readers that you engage in discussions.
6. Notify readers automatically when you reply to their comments.
Use a plug-in like Comment Reply Notification for WordPress, which sends email notifications to commenters.
7. Track comment volume to identify blog content that generates engagement.
Set up tracking manually or use a tool like Raven GA.
8. Award frequent commenters.
Use a plugin like Top Contributors to display top commenters in a widget on your blog.