Create a SaaS SEO strategy
Create a SaaS SEO strategy
1. Audit your site speed, robots.txt, and XML sitemap to ensure your website is free of any issues that might cause search engines not to index it.
2. Ask your customer-facing teams to describe your ideal customers and note down their basic demographics, pain points, and at what stage they become aware of your product.
3. Add this information to a spreadsheet, along with key phrases that describe your product and industry.
Ask your sales and marketing teams to contribute to the spreadsheet. Add questions your potential customers would search for that could lead them to become aware of your product. For example, What is intermittent fasting? for a fasting app. Add the problems that you solve and the questions that potential customers might ask when looking to solve them. Add questions that customers might ask when considering solutions available on the market. For example, What is the best app for intermittent fasting? Locate keywords that compare your product or services to your competitors. For example, alternatives to Quickbooks. These keywords have a high intent to purchase.
4. Use Google keyword planner or an SEO keyword research tool such as Surfer to get data on search volume.
Type 1-3 of your listed key phrases in your tool to get more suggestions. Filter out branded keywords. Filter out those that have low search volume, which depends on the overall search volume in the results from Keyword Planner. For example, if you see 100k for some keywords, 1k is low.
5. For each key phrase, look at the first page of Google Search results to see what Google understands as the search intent for that phrase based on the type of content.
Search intent can be informational, navigational, commercial, or transactional. With informational, the searcher wants to learn about a thing; for example, how-to guides. For navigational, they want to search and browse a site; for example, login pages. Commercial search intent wants to do pre-purchase research; for example, comparisons. Transactional wants to buy; for example, product pages.
6. Write your product landing page content and use some informational and commercial keywords to optimize those pages.
Use one high-performing keyword that describes what your product does in the title tag, H1, URL, and the first paragraph of your body content. Use an SEO keyword tool like Surfer to get additional SEO data, such as variations and Latent Semantic Keywords (LSIs) that must be in your content and use them as instructed by the SEO tool.
7. Schedule the blog posts using a content calendar in a spreadsheet or a tool like Asana.
8. Write blog posts based on the high-performing search phrases.
Look at the top ten ranking posts for that topic on Google, and note down the similar areas they cover. Look for areas that they didn’t and add them to your post. Use your tool to demonstrate and answer questions in some blog posts. Google’s related searches and SEO tools like Surfer can help you find common questions around your keywords. Use an SEO tool like Surfer or SEMrush to do topic research and incorporate the suggestions from the tool when writing. Track the traffic coming into your posts and pages through an SEO tool, Google Analytics, and GSC.
9. Use Google Search to find 10-20 sites that publish guest posts and use a tool like Ahrefs to find posts with broken links.
Send your published posts to replace the broken link. Reach out to bloggers and other non-competing websites to publish guest blog posts. Pitch a topic from your spreadsheet and add a link in them to your published posts.