Define your Facebook campaign goals

1. Identify the business goal you would like to achieve when running a Facebook advertising campaign.

Your Facebook campaign should directly impact your business goals. B2B brand Stripe may want to increase the number of people who are submitting a partnership inquiry, so they’re running a Facebook image ad to encourage their audience to submit a form.

2. Define the stage in the sales funnel you will be targeting for your Facebook campaign based on your business goals.

There are three stages of the sales funnel for all businesses.  Awareness: The top of the funnel consists of people who have never heard of your brand or product. Consideration: The middle of the funnel consists of people who have heard of your brand or product, but haven’t taken any actions to learn more.  Conversion: The bottom of the funnel are people who have indicated interest in your brand or product and are most likely to make a purchase or complete a form.

3. Identify the brand assets you have available to promote in the Facebook advertising campaign.

Based on the business goal you want to achieve and which sections of the sales funnel you’ll need to target, identify the brand assets you can promote in the campaign that will help the audience through the sales funnel.   Awareness: Promote high-level brand or product images or videos. Consideration: Promote blog posts, videos detailing products or brand app store listings.    Conversion: Promote products for purchase, and sales forms.

4. In Facebook Ads Manager, click the Create button and select a Facebook campaign objective that best matches the business goal, sales funnel stage you’ve chosen, and available assets.

Target your audience in the awareness stage by optimizing campaigns for: Brand awareness: Reach people in your audience consistently, so your brand stays top of mind. Reach: Reach as many people in your audience as possible. Target your audience in the consideration stage by optimizing campaigns for:  Traffic: Increase the number of people who click an ad to visit your website. Engagement: Increase post or event engagement or page likes. App Installs: Increase the number of people who install your app. Video Views: Increase the number of video views. Lead Generation: Increase the number of in-app leads. Messages: Increase the number of people who message your page. Target your audience in the conversion stage by optimizing campaigns for: Conversions: Increase the number of form-fills, initiate checkouts, and purchases. Catalog Sales: Increase the number of sales from your Facebook product feed. Store Traffic: Increase traffic to a brick & mortar location.

5. Measure your KPIs to determine campaign success based on your Facebook campaign goal.

Facebook optimizes each campaign by the desired goal. Measure the KPIs that will be most impacted by the campaign, and identify past KPIs to measure campaign success. In Facebook Ads Manager, click the Customize dropdown menu to select the KPIs you want to view. For example, if the Walt Disney World ad was optimized for video views, they would want to measure the KPIs related to video engagement: Video Plays: The number of times the video started to play. ThruPlays: The number of times a video was watched 15-seconds or longer.  Video Plays at 100%: The number of times the video was completed.  Video Average Play Time: The average time a video was played.