Perform advanced user research
Perform advanced user research
1. Use focus groups for generating ideas.
A focus group is not a user test, and cannot identify usability issues.
2. Perform unmoderated user testing using clear questions to look for patterns.
For example, What does this organization do? or What does this product do? Additionally, because there is no interaction with the tester, test a lot of people at the same time.
3. Choose a testing strategy based on your research question.
Ask yourself, What is the problem? and base your research question on that.
4. Record everything when doing two-room moderated user testing.
Use eye tracking to help understand which element the user is talking about.
5. Use remote moderated testing to create a web meeting environment.
Record their desktop and webcam feed to capture facial expressions.
6. Incorporate guerilla user testing to capture user testing in the wild.
This can be great if the context of the experience is important. Guerrilla user testing is basically going to coffee shops or other public places and soliciting people to user test your product on the spot.
7. Perform unmoderated tree testing with tools like Treejack to create better data structuring.
Evaluate the findability of topics on your website, and use this information to build better information flows.
8. Use unmoderated screenshot testing and first-click testing tools like Chalkmark or Usabilla.
9. Test for immediate clarity using unmoderated methods like the Five Second Test.
For example, ask only simple, easy questions that are clear in the first 5 seconds, such as, What’s this company’s name? or What’s the price of this service?