Use relationships in your link-building plan
Use relationships in your link-building plan
1. Interact positively with people online to create trustworthiness and get yourself known in the industry.
Create a larger network by attending conferences or seminars. Engage on social media with accounts and people in your industry to improve name recognition.
2. Create a spreadsheet for your existing business partners with columns for Name, Website URL, and Email Address.
Fill it in for all of your current business partners.
3. Extract prospect data from your CRM tool and create a new section in your spreadsheet where you list your prospect data.
Enter their name, website URL and email address in your spreadsheet. Use a tool like Contact Out to find email addresses of people in your industry.
4. Establish good working relationships with your partners and people outside your industry to gain trust.
Offer to help people in your network solve some of their problems. Introduce people in your network to each other when they might be able to help each other. For example, if you know that one of your contacts is looking for legal advice, and you know a lawyer who specializes in that area.
5. Pitch link ideas to your closed circle and be prepared to return similar business favors.
You can feature one of their links in your newsletter, share social media content that is relevant to your audience, link to something on their website, or allow them to do a guest post on your website.
6. Use Ahrefs Batch Analysis tool to filter your website spreadsheet to exclude sites with low domain authority or zero organic traffic.
Look at the amount of traffic and domain rating, and export the data in your spreadsheet in two separate columns. Erase the websites with low domain authority from your list.
7. Use BuzzSumo or a manual search to look for topics relevant to your business on websites in your spreadsheet.
Open the content analyzer, and in the search bar write the domain root of the website and the filtering word.
8. Sign up for Pitchbox or a similar alternative, import your website spreadsheet, and reach out to your prospects.
Reach out to your prospects using an automated tool or do it manually by sending individual emails. In the pitch, preserve a friendly tone and aim to build relationships first before asking for links.
9. Before reaching out, interact with prospects' brands via social media or directly on their website.
Leave a comment on their blog or share their content on your social media. Make this a habit. Continuously engage with their posts, so they notice you. Connect with them via LinkedIn and send them a short introduction message.