Create brand-specific advertising
Create brand-specific advertising
1. Use your larger business goals to decide what you want to achieve with your advertising.
For example: Introduce your company or product to an audience. Maintain awareness of your brand. Keep the interest and loyalty of your customers. Generate leads for future sales. Add more value to your brand. Rebrand your business.
2. Research the channels that your target audience use and how they use them.
Identifying the marketing channels that your target market prefers will help you create the right type of content. For example: Consumers up to 45 years old prefer using Instagram hashtags or stories to learn about new apparel or jewelry lines. The purchaser for a large manufacturer prefers to receive information for improved machine parts by email. Retired homeowners prefer to receive color postcards in the mail introducing local home repair services.
3. Research technical requirements for each channel that you have chosen and gather the information for designing the ad.
Consider technical and formatting elements like: Video or image. Square, vertical, or horizontal orientation. Minimum and maximum dimensions. For example, the recommended Facebook ad dimensions are 1,200 x 628 pixels. Number of characters permitted. For example, Google search ads now allow up to three headlines of up to 30 characters each. Eligibility for clickable links.
4. Assemble your brand identity package, including your company name, slogan, logos, branding images, and color scheme.
This ensures that your campaign’s visuals increase brand recognition and familiarity.
5. Address the pain points and needs of your target market by explaining or showing how your products and services solve their problems.
This information may come from previously created buyer personas, market research reports, and surveys from previous campaigns.
6. Explicitly state characteristics of your brand that give it specific appeal or frame it as a superior option to competitors so your audience knows your unique value proposition.
Focus on the unique advantages you offer that your competitors do not, such as: Lower prices. Brand initiatives that resonate with consumers’ interests or causes. Community or brand appeal. Services that address a particular need that your competitors do not address. Brand-specific advertising identifies the comparative advantages consumers and businesses receive when they select your brand. Specific examples include: Position relative to other brands in your category: (Pepsi) The Pepsi Challenge against number one Coca-Cola. Promise to fulfill your customer needs: (Walmart) Save Money. Live Better. Personality behind your message: (Levi’s) Classic but adventurous personality.
7. Conduct assessments of your brand-specific advertising to gain feedback, determine engagement and conversion rates, and understand your audience’s perception of your brand.
Understand your audience’s interactions with your ad by analyzing engagement metrics such as clickthrough rates, purchases, and engagement with promotional offers. Create polls or opportunities for your audience to give their opinion of your brand. You can use this feedback to clarify identified points of confusion, refine advertising copy to increase engagement, and identify the unique value propositions that drive your audiences towards the most engagement or purchases.